Loreen ist im Hintergrund leise zu hören. #Russland #ESC2016 #
Schlagwort: Russland
Oh. ’s wird wieder kalt in Rus…
Die älteren russischen Damen …
Oh, es wird wieder kalt, und i…
Elena friert schon wieder
Der Winter naht, und die alljährlichen Mails „Request from Russia“ trudeln wieder ein. Unsere bekannte Ofenspammerin erhält große Teile ihrer Story aufrecht (indem sie den Text wiederverwendet) und bewahrt dabei eine erstaunliche Konsistenz: sie war 2007 gerade 30 Jahre alt, 2008 dann 31 und jetzt sind es 33. Ihre kleine Tochter war vor drei Jahren 6 und ist jetzt 9:
My name is Elena, I am 33 year and I write you from Russian province. I work in library and after my work I allowed to use computer when possible. I finded your address in internet and I decided to write you this letter.
I have 9 year daughter, her father abandoned us and we live with my mother.
Ihre Mutter hatte den Job wegen der Krise auch schon 2008 verloren (oder jedes Jahr wieder?), und jetzt hat das Wetter auch noch die Lebensmittel unerschwinglich gemacht:
Due to unbearable hot weather during this summer almost all the potatoes and vegetables in our garden withered. Many forests burned down. We were doomed to hunger and we spent all our savings to buy 4 sacks of potatoes for the winter (it is terrible, because the price of potatoes became 2 times more expensive than in the last year).
Falls also jemand einen Holzofen loswerden möchte … hier gibt’s weiterführende Informationen und sogar eine Anschrift in Калуга.
Es wird wieder kalt
… und die arme Elena hat immernoch keinen Ofen, dafür aber neue Formulierungen:
I have 6-years daughter, her father abandoned us and we live with my mother.
schreibt sie diese Jahr
I have 7-year daughter Angelina, her father abandoned us and we live with my mother.
Na, das ist ja soweit konsistent — aber die Mutter ist dieses Jahr Opfer der Krise geworden (während sie letztes Jahr noch aus Altersgründen aus dem Berufsleben ausgeschieden war):
Due to the crisis recently my mother lost job and our situation became very difficult.
Die Öfen sind übrigens auch schwerer geworden. Letztes Jahr: 60-100kg, jetzt: 100-150kg, sonst hat sich nichts geändert…
Ofenknappheit in Rußland?
Hat noch jemand in letzter Zeit solche Mails bekommen
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 13:37:07 +0300
From: Elena <elenafg@mailrus.ru>
Subject: Re:
To: elenafg@mailrus.ruHi,
My name is Elena, I have 30-years and I live in small city in Russian province.
I have 6-years daughter, her father abandoned us and we live with my mother. Recently my mother lost job due to old age and our situation became very difficult.
During last months the prices for gas, oil and electricity became very high and we cannot use it to heat our home anymore.
The winter came to our region, we have many snow and temperature is very cold here already. We do not know what to do and we very afraid.
The only way to heat our home it is to use portable stove which give heat with burning wood. We have many wood in our region and this stove would heat our home the whole winter with minimal charges. But we cannot buy such stove in our local market because my salary is very small.
I work in library and after my job I allowed to use computer. I finded your address in internet and may be you can help us.
May be you have any old portable stove which you don’t use anymore, I will be very grateful to you if you can donate its to us and organize delivery to our address.
I send you kind greetings and hope to hear from you soon.
Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2007 21:12:23 +0300
From: Valya <valyav@mailrus.ru>
Subject: Re: Re:
To: valyav@mailrus.ruHi,
My name is Valentin. I am student and I live with my mother in small Russian city in Russian province. My mother have problem with eyes and can not see.
I work very hard to buy things of primary necessities for us, but my salary is very small because my studies still not finished.
During last months prices for gas, oil and electricity became very high and we can not use it to heat our home anymore. The winter coming and weather very cold here already. We do not know what to do and we very afraid.
The only way for us of heating our home is to use portable wood burning stove which give heat with burning wood. We have many wood in our region, therefore this stove will heat our home all winter for minimal charges. But we cannot buy this stove in our local market because my salary is very small.
Thanks to free internet in our library and library computer I finded several addreses and decided to ask for help.
May be you have any old portable stove which you don’t use any more, I will be very grateful to you if you donate it for us and organize transport its to our address. The weight of such stove is about 60-100kg- they are diffeent.
If you don’t have such stove, may be you can help us with two sleepings bags.
The weather is very cold already and I pray for your help.
Ich habe inzwischen eine kleine Sammlung. Was bezwecken die Absender? Die wollen doch nicht wirklich Öfen haben (oder doch?).