
Tom Pappalardo: Cartooning vs. Technology

Tom Pappalardo: Cartooning vs. Technology

How Steve Jobs Ruined Comics

As interfaces with technology continue to become smaller, thinner, less obtrusive, less noticeable, and less identifiable visually, creative artists will have to continue to adapt and improve their visual communication skills. Some day soon even the small electronic devices will disappear, and this tyranny of the black rectangle will come to an end, leaving visual storytellers in an even more challenging environment: A world of people laughing, talking, and staring off into the middle distance as their neural implants amuse, entertain, and sell them things.

Eselsohren im Web via Pinboard

Von dentaku

Site Reliability Engineer, Internet-Ureinwohner, Infrastrukturbetreiber, halb 23-Nerd halb 42-Nerd, links, gesichtsblind.

Schreibt mit "obwaltendem selbstironischem Blick auf alles Expertentum" (Süddeutsche Zeitung)

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