
Underhanded Crypto Contest

Underhanded Crypto Contest

Crypto is such an important part of our daily lives that it deserves its own backdoor contest. This contest is primarily just for fun, but we will actually be able to learn from it. If we can understand how crypto is intentionally broken, then we’ll be able to build better ways to detect crypto that’s accidentally broken.

The results will also serve as further evidence that even when good primitives, like AES-256 and SHA-512, are used, the crypto can still be severely broken. This will help us all take vendors’ claims of “military grade encryption” with an even bigger grain of salt.

(via @andreasdotorg)

Eselsohren im Web via Pinboard

Von dentaku

Site Reliability Engineer, Internet-Ureinwohner, Infrastrukturbetreiber, halb 23-Nerd halb 42-Nerd, links, gesichtsblind.

Schreibt mit "obwaltendem selbstironischem Blick auf alles Expertentum" (Süddeutsche Zeitung)

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